Level of Attainment
Level of Attainment
The criterion is designed to reflect the progression of the number of years of participation in a CCA, with at least 75% attendance for each year. In addition, the higher levels of attainment in the Participation domain will reward commitment to and continuous involvement in the same CCA, as well as exemplary conduct and active contribution to a CCA.
Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 recognise the student’s participation in a CCA for two, three, four and five years with at least 75% attendance respectively.
Levels 3 to 5 recognise the student’s exemplary conduct and active contribution to the CCA. Schools have the autonomy to define and apply the term ‘exemplary conduct and active contribution’ with respect to their school’s context.
(See Definition and Application of the Term ‘Exemplary Conduct and Active Contribution’).
Levels 4 and 5 also recognise the student’s continuous involvement in and commitment to the same CCA.